Expand Globally, Thrive Locally

Top Industries: Agribusiness, Financial Services, Logistics & Warehousing, Food Products, & Life Sciences

We’re home to over 49,000 businesses, including four Fortune 500 & three Fortune 1000 headquarters1

International Trade in Nebraska & Iowa sustains over 635,000 jobs & generates over $31 billion annually in imports & exports 3.

Number of Fortune 500 companies in other regional cities:2

Des Moines: 1 | Oklahoma City: 3 | Milwaukee: 4 | Kansas City: 2 | Tulsa: 3 | St. Louis: 4

They Come Here for Excellence & Find It. 

We attract companies & individuals from around the globe.

International Map of Businesses


Start in the Middle and Radiate.

That’s How We Change our World.

Our region provides an ideal central location for companies to reach their customers quickly and efficiently.

Eppley Airfield offers more than 70 daily departures for domestic and international travel, including non-stop travel to 30 cities.4

We enjoy immediate proximity to Interstates 29 and 80 – making it possible to reach the majority of U.S. destinations within two to three days by truck.

Barge traffic can navigate on the Missouri River 9 months out of the year (March – Nov.).

We’re a major rail center served by Union Pacific Railroad, Canadian National Railway Company and Burlington Northern Santa Fe.

9.3 Million People Live Within 250 Miles with Average Earnings Approaching $291 Billion

Source: StatsAmerica 5

Foreign Trade Zones: Gateways to the World.

Access to our two foreign-trade zones (19 & 59) assists importers and encourages efficient international trade by reducing, deferring or even eliminating duties on goods.

Increasing Exports.

This region is a growing place. Over the past 10 years, exports in Greater Omaha have increased by $1.1 billion, growing an average of 0.4 percent each year. In 2021, the Omaha MSA exports totaled almost $4.6 billion.6

Top Trading Partners in Nebraska & Iowa.


1. Canada 2. Mexico 3. Japan 4. China 5. Brazil
6. South Korea 7. Germany 8. Australia 9. Netherlands 10. United Kingdom



1. Canada 2. China 3. Mexico 4. Germany 5. Japan
6. Switzerland 7. Italy 8. India 9. United Kingdom 10. Taiwan

Source: U.S. Census Bureau7

We Partner with the World.

With highly-valued relationships around the world, we are connected with the global business community, economic development and government organizations, as well as our seven Sister Cities8: 

Yantai, China | Braunschweig, Germany | Shizuoka, Japan | Naas, Ireland | Siauliai, Lithuania | Xalapa, Mexico | Isigny-Omaha, France

Exceed Your Boundaries & Flourish.

We are a Region Built to Grow Business.

Greater Omaha’s labor force totals more than 721,000 people within a 1-hour drive from the metro’s epicenter. We boast a motivated and high-quality available workforce and lower-than-average labor costs.9

Youthful Population: 34% of Greater Omaha is

24 years of age or younger12

Growing to 1.1 million people in 203511

  1. Infogroup (accessed June 2023)
  2. Fortune 500, 2020
  3. Business Roundtable, “Benefits of Trade Data”, 2022
  4. Omaha Airport Authority, 2023
  5. StatsAmerica, Indiana University Business Research Center, 2022
  6. U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, 2023
  7. S. Census Bureau, USA Trade Online, 2022
  8. Omaha Sister Cities Association
  9. MySidewalk (data derived from US Census ACS 2017-21)
  10. U.S. Census Bureau, ACS 2017-2021 5 Year Estimates
  11. Woods & Poole Economics, 2019 CEDDS
  12. U.S. Census Bureau, 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
  13. CNBC, 2022
  14. U.S. Energy Administration, 2022
  15. Council for Community and Economic Research, 2022 Annual Average
  16. Council for Community and Economic Research, 2022 Annual Average

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